Recognition Notices

A Recognition Notice is a certificate issued by the Authority whereby an authorisation issued by another Member State of the EU or the EEA, or a state which is deemed by the Authority to offer safeguards largely equivalent to those offered by Maltese law, is recognised as having the same effect as an authorisation issued by the Authority for the purpose of providing a gaming service or gaming supply in or from Malta.
Issued Recognition Notice Certificates are valid for one year and require annual maintenance reviews. For further information in relation to the submission of Annual Maintenance applications, or for any additional changes to an issued Recognition Notice Certificate, kindly refer to this link.
How to Apply
Applications for Recognition Notice certificates can be accessed from the Authority’s Licensee Portal, via the Recognition Notice Application.
The Application needs to be accompanied by the following documents:
- Proof of remittance of the application fee of five thousand Euro (€5,000);
- A certified true copy of the original Gaming Licence, and a certified translation in English (where applicable);
- A Signed Entity Declaration form available from the Enclosures section of the Application and submitted to the Authority as a hard copy;
- A declaration signed by one (1) of the Company’s director/s confirming the current list of directors, including their full name and surname, e-mail, and phone number within the ‘List of Directors and the relevant Contact Details’ Enclosures section as a soft copy;
- A List of URLs/Domains through which the Gaming Service is offered to players (required only in case of B2Cs);
- A Letter of good standing from the licence-issuing Authority; and
- A certified legal opinion provided by a warranted professional covering the following requirements:
- Company details including company registration number, the country under which laws the company was incorporated, registered address, Licence number, issuance date and expiry date.
- Confirmation that the issuing foreign competent authority conducts compliance checks and whether such compliance checks are applicable to the entirety of the operation. Should different compliance checks be applicable to different operations (e.g. game vertical/game type), confirmation of the applicability of the compliance checks to the respective operations should be provided.
- An assessment that the gaming services and/or critical gaming supplies which may be offered by virtue of the licence and in terms of the relevant jurisdiction’s framework, are comparable to the respective licensable services established under Maltese Law* and in accordance with Article 22 of Gaming Authorisations Regulations.
- A description of the gaming services and/or critical gaming supplies which may be offered by virtue of the same licence, including a non-generic description of the products which should be comparable to the descriptions of the relevant game types and verticals under Maltese law.
- Confirmation that the licensed operations are subject to the AML/CFT framework of the licence-issuing jurisdiction or otherwise, and that the licensee is duly bound to fulfil AML/CFT reporting requirements, and that the licensee is compliant with the applicable AML/CFT legislation of the licence-issuing jurisdiction. This confirmation is only applicable to any Recognition Notice applicants that offer or intend to offer a gaming service.
*Notwithstanding such assessment, the Authority reserves the right to confirm, or otherwise, the comparability of the services being offered by virtue of the foreign licence, as well as the equivalence of the safeguards to those offered by Maltese Law.
Applicable documents
The Annual Recognition Notice Fee is that of Eur 5,000, payable annually in advance.