De Minimis Games

In accordance with the De Minimis Games Directive (Directive 3 of 2019), a “De Minimis” game shall be a game that is exempt from the requirements of a licence or permit, provided that it satisfies the following criteria cumulatively:
- It may consist solely of a lottery or raffle-type game:
Provided that in case of doubt as to the nature of the game, the Authority shall have the sole discretion to decide upon its classification; - The value of the stake to participate in the game shall not exceed one Euro (€1);
- The value of the prize thereof shall not exceed one hundred Euro (€100); and
- The result of the game cannot be based on the outcome of another game.
No person may organise more than ten (10) de minimis games per calendar year.
Without prejudice to the above, no person may organise more than two (2) de minimis games in any one (1) calendar month. Should a person or entity wish to organise more events than the stipulated limits, the person or entity would need to apply for a Limited Commercial Communications Games Permit.